Single Sign On version

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Due to Asp.Net limitation the Single Sign On doesn't work across different domains, in this case, on parent portals.

To circumvent that problem we developed an "URL rewrite" mechanism to manage Single Sign On for multiple portals.


There are two versions of the module in the release package.

One is standard version with the Single Sign On (SSO) method working on child portals.
The files marked as "SSO" contain new SSO mechanism allowing Single Sign On for parent portals with different domain names.


However, some modules don't work properly when the url is being rewritten - notably payment gateways.

The SSO version has a built-in mechanism for excluding specific files from the rewrite process (for example PaymentGateway.ascx)


To exclude specific files from the rewrite you have to add the following entry(entries) to your web.config file:




       <add key="MPUS_exclude1" value="PaymentGateway.ascx"/>




You can exclude as many files as needed - just add new key for each file.




       <add key="MPUS_exclude1" value="PaymentGateway.ascx"/>

       <add key="MPUS_exclude2" value="Test.ascx"/>

