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Allow Edit - allow users to edit their own profiles,
Tab with User Edit module - select page where the UDM User Edit module was placed. If you allow edits users will be redirected to this page when editing their accounts,
Detail View Icon - display icon with link to UDM Detail View,
Detail View Link - select profile property that will be linked to Detail View of user profile (what to display will be defined in template of the Detail View module),
Tab with Detail View module - select page where the UDM Detail View module was placed. If Detail View was allowed this is the page to which users will be redirected in order to view details of the grid record.
Allow Export Data to Excel - show link that exports search results to Excel format (.xlsx),
Allow Data Export to vCard - show link that exports search results in vCard (.vcf) format (zipped file),
Search operator - select default search operator for conditional searched when using more than one field  (AND / OR),
Start Search on load - records will be displayed immediately when the grid page is loaded. If no pre-defined search is configured this will load all records which might slow down the page loading. You should consider this carefully,
Follow profile Viewing permissions - the profile properties have admin assigned default settings for View access. Usually it's "Admin Only" but you can override the setting here by selecting to ignore the viewing permissions. The module will show everything regardless of settings on individual user records. Please use with care and consider user data protection laws and declared privacy policy.
Pre-populate search string field - this setting inserts profile property data into a dropdown list that can be used for searches. For example search for a zip code or state or city selected from dropdown list,
Display "Reset Search" button - displays or hides a link button that will allow user to clear entered search criteria and start anew.
Show DNN Fusion MyProfile links - allows integration with MyProfile,
Tab with DNN Fusion My Profile module - select page where the DNN Fusion My Profile module was placed,
Integrate with Data Springs Dynamic Registration - allows listing of Dynamic Registration profile attributes in directory,
Tab with Data Springs Dynamic Registration module - select page where the Dynamic Registration module was placed,
Data Springs Dynamic Registration module - select the Data Springs Dynamic Registration module on page selected above,
Mail Form field - select profile property that will link to a mail form allowing visitors to email users without exposing email address.
Protect with captcha - use captcha protection for mail form to prevent automated spam,
Order by - three levels of sorting by a selected profile property. This can be overridden in grid by clicking on column headers to group by the column.
Visible roles - select roles to be displayed and condition for selection (logical operator AND / OR),
Exclude roles - select roles to be excluded from display (for example administrators),




