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SEO URL and Performance Provider

Product SKU: SEOUP-01
Price: $49.00
Sale Price: $49.00


DNNMasters SEO URL & Performance Provider gives you complete control over DNN portal URLs. It will help you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and performance of your DotNetNuke web site.


  • improve your site's Search Engines rank,
  • improve your site's performance, 
  • have nice, human and SEO friendly, hierarchically structured URLs,
  • design your own URLs,
  • run multi-language site without the default DNN language string (/language/xx-YY/),
  • decide which part of the language string to show in URLs,
  • avoid search engines duplicate content penalty,
  • create nice, friendly URLs for most popular modules (7 plugins available as part of the module),
  • redirect non-www URLs to URL's,
  • redirect other domains to the domain you want indexed as main domain for SEO ranking,
  • redirect old domain(s) to current domain, 
  • redirect IP URL to URL,
  • redirect old URLs (with extensions like .html, .htm, .asp, .php) to current  pages,
  • redirect changed or expired URL's to current ones,
  • change page extension to anything you can dream of (like pagename.html, pagename.dnn or pagename.yourname),
  • rewrite the Login and Register links to a uniform www.mydomain/register.aspx and www.mydomain/login.aspxlinks for all pages in portal (avoiding duplicate content penalty),
  • rewrite Terms and Privacy links to and links for all pages in portal (avoiding duplicate content penalty),
  • rewrite all /linkclick.aspx?linkid=xxxx to friendly urls (search engines can easily navigate and index), 
  • set the space replace character in page names (default setting is -),
  • set the desired page name in URL to anything you like (different from menu page name),
  • set HTTP status codes of the redirects,
  • set redirect rules to Active/Not Active,
  • set custom Page not found 404 error message,
  • 404 error message in multiple languages corresponding to your portal languages,
  • catch the generic Asp.Net 404 error messages (The resource cannot be found) and display custom 404 error,
  • keep your web alive (keep alive ping to any URL),
  • custom settings on “per portal” basis, 
  • hosts can manage settings for all portals from any module instance,
  • default redirect rules are generated automatically,
  • custom rules can be exported and imported,
  • view and edit page name, description and keywords of any page from a single interface,
  • generate robots.txt file for any portal,
  • localization extension to present any number of pages on your portal in multiple languages,
  • friendly URLs for all portal languages,
  • manage viewstate on server to avoid sending it to client browser (cache in memory or XML file),
  • combine and minify css files,
  • combine & minify java script files,
  • load images from static domain(s) (if available) to speed up page loading,
  • preload images so the page shows up faster on initial loading.

DNN Modules